Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Last day as a group

June Eighteenth, 2012 – 

Today was a bit of another later start luckily around 11:00am.  Our plan for this morning was to go to Basilique du Sacre Coeur, which means the Sacred Heart Basilica.  This was an amazing church that can be seen from miles away and even from the Eiffel Tower.  We walked in and there were a lot of people in there praying and because of this they made sure you were quiet and did not take any pictures.  The building was very subtle, but ornate at the same time because it was solely block and stain glass with only a few murals and the dome was again just block.  If you have followed my blog you should have seen that most of the church’s we have been to the domes are painted in some ornate way, but this was very classy in my opinion with no paint.  Once you walk out of the church you literally can just see most of Paris from the steps to the church, which is quite amazing if you ask me.  

After the church we walked through the streets where there were tons of street vendors and souvenir shops.  One of the squares had just artists that had hand painted all of their pictures and they were pretty awesome, but a little more expensive than I was wanting to spend on a painting today.  I stopped by one guy who had a hand painted picture of a black Ferrari that was just the rear end and he said he wanted 1000 Euros… I said thank you and walked on.  We kept walking around and I got a Nutella and banana crepe that was on time and then we headed back to the hotel.  

Later this afternoon Jack, Dave, and I walked around and just explored walking to a few places that Jack had been before and also to the underground/aboveground mall that had pretty much everything you needed.  After we walked around Notre Dame and saw Shakespeare and Company bookstore.  We popped into a Canadian bar and got a quick pint before making our way to a kebab restaurant and finally back to the hotel once more.  

We met up with the group at 7:00 to head back to the Eiffel Tower to have a big group potluck dinner.  Each of us brought something different to dinner.  I ended up bringing some cheese, granny smith apples, and some crackers that went over very well with the group.  We hung out there for quite some time and spoke to each other about our memories from the trip and our greatest memories.  This was truly a great experience getting to hear different things from everybody and coming together one last time.

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