Thursday, May 10, 2012

The first day of London, England with everyone

May Ninth, 2012 - 

Today was the first day of the summer 2012 study abroad trip through Europe.  We first met up with everybody at 3:00 p.m. and left for the British Museum.  I saw the Rosetta stone, pieces from the Aztecs, Egyptians, and Picasso.  After that we continued to walk around until we got to Carnaby Street which is a street that became somewhat Americanized when Americans came to the UK and introduced the large window style similar to that of the United States' clothing retailers.  Kyle, Tucker, and I went to a pub there and got a pint that was a local beer called "Camden Town Brewery" and it was made just 2 miles from that pub.  Later we went to Piccadilly Circus which had lots of very large TV's used for advertising. 

The funniest part of the day was when Brady, Kyle Tucker, and I jumped onto the back of a lion statue at Trafalgar Square.  We did not get back to the hotel until around 9:30 pm.  With the first day being so long, and most people being jet lagged. most everybody just hung out in their rooms resting and trying to get a good nights sleep.

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