Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Finally a free day

June Fifth, 2012 -

Today we woke up early and got a quick breakfast for what we thought was going to be a long day with bad weather.  Luckily after we ate Anoop asked what we wanted to do since it looked like rain, and we decided to skip out on the day and catch up on some research and of course blogging...

They said the X33 was the strongest beer and to "never drink it alone"
After the early morning confusion I went back up to the room and sat down to begin looking at companies in the Czech Republic that might have anything to do with modular construction.  I found a few sites and an even better blog that contained a lot of information.  Once I had finished cruising some modular sites I began to blog.  Luckily up to today I wasn't as far behind as I thought.  Once all my "school work" was caught up I decided to try and watch a movie on my laptop and a little snooze.

At 6:00 we had our second test and after that we all went to one of the oldest beer halls.  This place was established in 1466 and had their own brews of course with a few other more main stream beers.  Anoop bought the first round of beers and then I got the farmers pork neck with cabbage and white-bread dumplings.

After the beer history lesson we decided to stay out and check out the Chateau Rouge once again.  Tonight was pretty fun we just hung out in the upstairs bar and then after a little while everyone left to go home since we have another early morning tomorrow.

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