May Eleventh, 2012
went on a country walk through Dr. Burt's hometown of Prince's
Risborogh. We hiked a total of about 7 miles through the rough
country. We were on the public walkways which crossed through all sorts
of places. This was possible because they have been public routes for
hundreds of years. During our country walk we crossed a golf course and
of course just out of a little fun after a gentleman teed off I decided
to yell "get in the hole Tiger" everyone got a good laugh and even his
friends yelled get in the hole and smiled after it. We walked past the
prime ministers country residence which had metal fencing so no one
could use car bombings on the property. Clinton, Bush, and Obama have
all stayed on the property and was a beautiful estate. We all took
pictures in the famous tree on the walk and it was a great group
After walking for a while we came upon some
sheep and cows and I ended up stepping in some very fresh cow poop in my
new Nike trainers. Throughout the trip we encountered high winds and
warm weather.
also walked through a golf course and a fairway which I ended up taking
a picture on the green to remember the course because it was in such
great shape.
we made it to a small train station and rode a very old train back to
Prince's Risborough. We got off of the old one and then made the hour
long trip back to London.
Looks like a great start to a very interesting European trip. Look forwad to many more great photo's.